
Loving the Single Life!

" You’re single because you’re single. It’s not because you texted too much or too little or waited 33 minutes to respond because he took 23. It’s not because you met up with your ex that night at 5 a.m. that no one knows about, or because you kissed another boy after a date with a loser. You’re not single because you spit food on that date or tripped coming out the the movie theatre. You’re not single because you hurt your first boyfriend really badly when you were 15 or because you have yet, to this day, to apologize. It’s not because you were secretly jealous when your friend got a boyfriend or that a guy you dated for two months now has a really cute girlfriend and looks really happy. And you’re happy for him. But still ill that he found someone before you. You’re not single because you slept with your ex boyfriend. You’re not single because half the world found out when you didn’t even want to remember it yourself. You’re not single because you think the guy your frien...

Beautifully Tragic

My family and I saw Wicked this past week. Absolutely Love it.  The music, cast, costumes, stage were all magical.  My favorite songs were "Defying Gravity"and "For Good" While I was at BYU I never really understood why so many people were OBSESSED with Wicked, now I know why. It's a top notch production with characters everyone can relate to. It's smart, funny, and has a Happy Ending.  Mom, Grandma, and me! I love this quote:  “As we exercise faith in Christ and trust in His promises, we can walk into the dark with the absolute assurance that our pathway will be illuminated—at least far enough to take the next step, and then the next step and the next step.” —Elder David A. Bednar, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles "Never take counsel from your fears" ~Stonewall Jackson via “If clouds are blocking the sun, there will always be a silver lining that r...

This year....


Well, Hello There...2013!

via  hellohellodesign After over a year without writing any posts I've decided to try again. Let's hope 2013 will be the year I actually blog. 2012 was a wonderful year I've had many wonderful experiences, made a bunch of new friends, had a couple of rough patches, took out my endowments and most importantly I finally let myself  be HAPPY with no strings attached . Life is too precious to be miserable. Happiness is a choice. I've learned many life lessons over the past year that have made me a stronger, better more resilient person. I'm grateful for my family and friends who have helped me be better and have challenged me to change. We cannot control what happens in life, but we can control our reactions. Enduring to the end is a must, enduring well is a choice. The choices I make determine who I am and who I will be.  What happens this year will happen its how I CHOOSE to deal with it that matters. 2012 taught me that Life is a miracle "It is a...

The Holstee Manifesto: Lifecycle Video


It's been a while...

via  365 project

4 year-old Diva

This is the most hilarious thing I have seen in a while it's also quite sad...