
Showing posts from September, 2010

Still Bringing Sexy back

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - A History of Rap: Jimmy Fallon, Justin Timberlake & The Roots - Video -

Put a smile on your face

...and observe the magic that happens.  Smile at a stranger. Be the first to say hello. Compliment people.  We all need Validation once in a while

In the Ayer

My childhood dream of having a tree house  lives on!! How cool would it be to have an office like this? see more Also, Come what may and love it 

True Story

Summer is over. Finding a new grad nursing position has been far from easy.  Fortunately I have been keeping busy with doing other things. I just have to have patience and trust in the lord.  Despite our trials I know that we can have joy. Below are things that have brought me joy these past couple of weeks. 1.        Starbucks: Iced Chai Tea Latte with soymilk ( caffeine-free, of course) 2.        Fresh cut flowers at the Farmer’s market 3.        Talking with old friends 4.        Driving with the windows down while the radio is blasting 5.        Ice cream 6.        Online shopping (well more browsing than actual buying) 7.        Blog-stalking college buddies ( guilty) 8.        Return of fall TV (Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl...

A world record

  Kyle Andrews "You Always Make Me Smile" Official Video This summer BYU broke the world record for the largest water balloon fight!    120,000 water balloons+4,000 people+ cute song= a smile on my face Oh BYU, how I miss you : )

The mean reds

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness ; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone .” "Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.”


made entirely out of paper!! Absolutely beautiful! On my New York to do list