I can't believe the year is almost over The tree is up, stockings are hung and the family is home, Presents are wrapped, cookies are baked, and people are filed with charity and joy The following message is from blogger and plane crash survivor Stephanie Nielson really touched me, so I want to share it with all of you A note to those of you who hurt- Hold on. To those of you who are hurting or disappointed this time of year. Just hold on. Everything will be OK. Although in our journey here in mortal life, will encounter forks and turnings in the road from time to time- some more serious and painful than others, but we all have trials that will come. My heart is so heavy right now, I feel such a sorrow in my heart. I just feel for those that hurt at such a hopeful time. Hang on. This time of year you should feel ever grater love from our Savior and you should feel the peace that comes when we place everything into his hands. Hold on. I know ...